- Reef Icons – John Clipperton profiles a fish that mixes drop-dead gorgeous looks with a sometimes tempestuous temperament. Hold on to your hats folks, it’s the Sixline wrasse.
- Close Look Reviews – We present an exclusive look at TMCs new Reef Pulsar LED fixture, and cap it off with some stackable dosing containers from Little Ocean.
- Searching for that Secret Sauce – Part 2 – Mike Paletta completes his analysis of 20 of his favourite US reef aquaria and explains how he has implemented his findings on his own reef.
- 12 Days of Christmas – Keith Moyle gets us into the festive spirit with some light-hearted ideas for how to maximise the holiday period to target some of those reef-related jobs.
- Dipping into Dosing- Campbell Robertson finds himself in need of some supplementation and takes the plunge into the realm of automated dosing. Let’s hope it wasn’t a case of “too much of a good thing”.
- Down the Garden Path – UK hobbyist Daniel Morris presents his stunning surprise reef which, although literally at the bottom of his garden, is one of the best we’ve ever seen!
- It’s Endemic! – Richard Aspinall relays more fascinating insights garnered from countless hours beneath the ocean waves; this time we meet a host of unique species for whom location is everything.
- Going Dark – Part 1 – It’s time for afters, and John Clipperton serves it up with another new project series where he endeavours to expand his home system with a new specialist reef system.
Plus Marine and Product News. and much more!