
Tropic MarinPotassium Professional Test Kit

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Bestillingsvare, 2-4 ukers leveringstid.

Measuring range & accuracy

Measurement range: 300 - 500 mg/l (ppm)

Accuracy: 5 mg/l

About potassium

Potassium is a vitally important macro-nutrient for all living beings. In natural ocean water, this alkali metal is present in an average concentration of 408 mg/l. In a saltwater aquarium, the potassium concentration is usually kept stable by regularly changing the water. Nevertheless, a lack of potassium can occur in individual aquariums tanks due to the use of zeolites and other adsorbents. One sign of a possible lack of potassium is clear discolouration of corals and retraction of polyps. The potassium level in a saltwater aquarium should be checked regularly to ensure that the level is between 380 and 420 mg/l.

Package contents

  • 12 ml / 0.40 fl.oz.“Standard“ (400 mg/l)
  • 25 ml / 0.85 fl.oz. of reagent A
  • 25 ml / 0.85 fl.oz. of reagent B
  • 5 ml / 0.17 fl.oz. of reagent C
  • 30 ml / 1.01 fl.oz. of reagent D
  • 2 glass cuvettes 10 ml
  • 3 dosing syringes 1 ml with syringe tips
  • 1 instruction for use


Instructions for use

Information regarding the potassium test:

The precision of the measurement results may be increased by determining a „correction value“. For this purpose a measurement with reagent “Standard” (potassium) is carried out. This measurement indicates the correction value that should be included during each potassium measurement. We recommend determining the correction value again every 3-4 weeks.