
TMC Surgeonfishes, Rabbitfishes and their relatives

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The acanthuroids comprise several large and important tropical reef fish Jamilies which are mostly herbivorous. They include the fishes popularly known as surgeonfishes or tangs, unicorns, sawtails, the Moorish ldol, and rabbitfishes. Most groups and species are variously distributed in tropicalto subtropical seas of the lndo-Pacific, but surgeonfishes and sawtails have representatives world-wide. Many members o{ these gr0ups help to keep in check the fast growing algae that does especially well 0n sunny, shallow reefs. Their occurrence in great numbers keeps coral reefs from becoming overgrown and also makes certain that other vegetation, such as seagrasses, is regularly cleaned, especially by juvenile rabbitfishes, ensuring good Iight capture and healthy beds. Surgeonfishes even graze on other animals, such as turtles, that have problems with algae, further highlighting their important role in the reefs. Many of the small and colourful species are popular aquarium fish, whilst the larger ones are often featured in public aquariums. The rabbitfish is valued as a food fish and is locally rmportant. Recently the batfishes, spadefishes, luvars (very deep water only - not included)and scats were classified as acanthuroid fishes which are planktivores, omnivores and scavengers and are here presented as relatives of the surgeonfish.

  • Hardcover: 208 pages
  • Publisher: TMC Publishing 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0953909719
  • ISBN-13: 978-0953909711
  • Product Dimensions:          17.3 x 23.1 x 1.8 cm