This additional filter can be fitted to the outgoing water outlet of the RO Station and serves as water hardener or silicate filter. The cylinder includes two screw caps with plug-type connectors for the hose of the osmosis plant and two brackets for a direct attachment on the RO Station. We recommend to use it as silicate filter at the water outlet to remove silicic acid for avoiding the growth of brown and slime algae in the aquarium. The 8550.501 mixed-bed ion exchange resin with colour change is used as a refill medium.
Alternatively, it can be filled with Calcium Carbonate 0880.901 to rise the calcium amount of the RO outgoing waterfor saturation with high amounts of calcium hydrogene carbonate. Thus carbon hardness will be augmented.
Reverse osmosis is a natural...
and environmentally friendly process used to remove dissolved salts and impurities safely from the water by physical methods only.