
Prodibio Prodiclear 250 ml

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Protect your Aquarium from chlorine in tap water

The tap water used when filling up an aquarium or during water  changes  is usually harmful for the aquarium’s inhabitants. Water  companies  often add chlorine or choramines in the tap water to avoid  the growth of  pathogenic germs.

Chloral Reset protects the living organisms in the aquarium (plants,   fish, corals, live rocks, useful bacteria for biofiltration...) from  the  action of the chlorinated compounds found in tap water. Chloral  Reset  is very concentrated and one vial will quickly render chlorine or   chloramine treated water usable for an aquarium.

The specific formula of Chloral Reset is designed for the well-being   of the fish. That is why it also contains biocolloids that will reduce   the fish’s stress, as well as protecting their gills and mucous   membranes against external parasitic agressions.

When starting a fresh or salt water aquarium, use Chloral Reset to   prepare your tap water, then Start Up to quickly establish the   biological filtration and ensure the best water quality.

When doing a water change, use Chloral Reset to prepare your tap   water, then BioClean Fresh or BioClean Salt to maintain your biological   filtration, which is crucial for running your aquarium smoothly.

Nano = 10 ml Chloral Reset Nano treat 40 L aquarium water Chloral Reset treat 80 L aquarium water