
Prodibio [N,P]EX 1000ml

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Bestillingsvare, 2-4 ukers leveringstid.

The use of a Carbon source in a marine aquarium  is the result of an  old technique to lower strongly and quickly the  levels of nitrite,  nitrate, and phosphate present in the water.
This is like the technique of vodka/vinegar/sugar dosing, but without   the risk of introducing unwanted elements (coloring, flavoring, etc.)   and with multiple carbon sources in right proportions.
The added organic carbon strongly stimulates bacteria and quickly lowers   the levels of NO2, NO3 and PO4. This bacterial surplus will be  consumed  by the animals in the tank or eliminated via efficient  skimming.

[N,P]EX is a combination in the right proportions of several   different carbon sources which guarantee its effectiveness. It should   only be used by aquarists who are experienced and knowledgeable in   monitoring the values of their aquarium.

It's recommendend to use when all other NO3 and PO4 limitation measures   are no longer effective. Gradually increase the amounts according to  the  expected parameters levels. Once they are stable, maintain the  dosage  while regularly monitoring these levels.

Direction of Use

Prodibio recommend its use when all other NO3 and PO4 limitation   measures are no longer effective. Gradually increase the amounts   according to the expected parameters levels. Once they are stable,   maintain the dosage while regularly monitoring these levels. Do not  stop  dosing suddenly, but gradually reduce the dosage to slowly wean  the  aquarium

Treats 100000L