Iodi + provides the iodine needed for coral development and colouring. The product enables them to adapt to lighting variations and to combat bleaching.
Iodi+ information
- Iodine is vital for coral development in closed reef tank environments
- Supplies the hard corals in your aquarium with the iodine they need to grow and for colouration
- Helps corals to adapt to lighting variations
- Neutralises the excess oxygen produced by zooxanthellae under excessive lighting
- Combats coral bleaching
- Recommanded for Xenia, Anthelia, Clavularia et Carallimorphes
When should Iodi+ be used ?
- In your marine water tank for development and growth of your corals
- When your corals bleach or when they are starting to see a loss of color in your saltwater aquarium
How to use Iodi+ ?
What volume What range What dosage
0 to 60 liters Nano 1 vial / 15 days
61 to 120 liters Nano 2 vials / 15 days
121 to 200 liters Standard 1 vial / 15 days
201 to 400 liters Standard 2 vials / 15 days
401 to 600 liters Standard 3 vials / 15 days
601 to 800 liters Standard 4 vials / 15 days
801 to 1 000 liters Standard 5 vials / 15 days
1 001 to 2 000 liters Pro 1 vial / 15 days
2 001 to 4 000 liters Pro 2 vials / 15 days
4 001 to ... ... .. liters Pro add vials every 2 000 liters