Whole live Artemia that were quickly frozen with our “flash-freezer” resulting in whole animals and a minimum of nutrient leaching into the aquarium water.
Artemia sp.
Did you know?
In natural conditions Artemia feed on bacteria, algae and small detritus.
- Could be used for these groups of fish
- Angels - Pygmy Angels
- Basslets - Groupers
- Butterflyfish
- Catfish - Loaches - Eels
- Cichlids
- Clownfish
- Damsels - Anthias
- Discus - Angels
- Gobies - Blennies
- Invertebrates
- Killifish
- Labyrinthfish
- Livebearers
- Mandarins - Cardinals
- Nano Reef
- Oddballs
- Rainbow Fish
- Seahorses - Razorfish
- Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs
- Surgeonfish
- Wrasses