
New Life Spectrum Thera+A - Regular Formula w/garlic (0,5mm/50g)

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Thera+A combines the high-density Spectrum Nutrition Formula fortified with extra Allicin complex (garlic)

and extra nutrients and oils for a food that’s great for stressed and/or newly acquired or introduced fish. The extra

attractants and nutrients mean fish resist stress better.

Non-Medicated and Anti-Parasitic Formula.

Designed to help fish fight off parasites with a healthy amount of garlic. Made with high-quality easily digestible

South Antarctic Krill, Herring, Squid, and New Zealand Mussel protein. All-natural color-enhancing ingredients boost

immune system function and enhance the full spectrum of your fish's color.

New Life Thera+A Formula, sinking pellet fish food

  • Non-Medicated Anti-Parasitic Formula
  • 1mm Sinking Pellet
  • Freshwater/Saltwater
  • High-quality, easily digestible krill and fish meal protein
  • Balanced daily diet for all fresh and marine fish.
  • Boosts immune system to repel parasites
  • Enhances the full spectrum of your fish`s color

Feeding Instructions:
Feed twice daily. Amount should be able to be consumed by the fish within 1-2 minutes.