Immediately available carbonate hardness + pH buffer
In the marine water aquarium, the stability of the pH-value is of utmost importance. Carbonat pro instant is a special buffer and carbonate hardness (kH) builder, which takes care that the pH-value in the marine water aquarium will be stabilized at a value between 8,0 and 8,3 and replaces carbonate hardness, which has been consumed due to precipitation and biological
catabolic processes. Carbonatpro Instant thus protects against dangerous deviations of the pH-value.
In the reef aquarium the optimum value is at abt. 7 - 10 kH.
Carbonat pro instant is a special buffer and carbonate hardness (kH) builder for easy and quick increase of the carbonate hardness.
It either could be used to mix a basic solution or added directly into the aquarium.
Mixing of a Balling-basic solution:
Fill 84g Carbonat pro instant in a measuring cap and add osmosis water up to 1000ml.
The Balling stock solutions of Carbonat- , Calcium- , Magnesium- and Mineral pro instant must be dosed in equal parts separately from each other !
Mixing of a basic solution:
Fill 168 g Carbonat pro instant in a measuring cap and add osmosis water up to 2000ml.
By adding of 36 ml of this basic solution the kH-content will raise approx. by 1dKH per 100 liter aquarium water.
Dosage see table !
Direct dosing:
1 measuring spoon (abt. 9g) results in an increase of the carbonate hardness of abt. 3dKH /l per 100 liter aquarium water.
In case of larger deviations, the quantity should be increased over a period of numerous days. Please dose directly into the filter bassin at a well- floated area.