
eSHa alx 20 ml

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eSHa ALX 20ml Against parasitic crustaceans

Product Description

For treatment of parasitic infections of Argulus (carp lice), Lernaea (anchor worm), Ergasilus (gill lice) and  Salmincola (gill lice)

Esha Alx also treats Acanthocephala (thorny-headed worms

eSHa Alx er en medisin som benyttes til parasitt typer som Maxillopoda, karpelus, ankerorm, ergasilus(lus i gjellene), Salmincola(lus i gjellene).


Remove shrimp and crayfish! eSHa-alx is well tolerated by ornamental fish in freshwater aquaria and ponds and in marine aquaria. You should be careful with lower animals like corals, anemones, sea urchins, snails, clams e.a., when present, OR remove them from the aquarium or pond before treatment OR treat the fish in a quarantine tank. Do observe the aquarium well during treatment and, in case of complications, filter over activated carbon first and then perform a water change.

STANDARD DOSAGE Standarddosering

1:- Calculate the volume of your aquarium. Calculate only the area occupied by water.


Length x Width x Depth in cm

/ 1000


Length x Width x Depth in inches

/ 276

1 Litre = 0.22 Gallons

1 Gallon = 4.54 Litres

2:- Locate your aquarium or pond volume on the dosage scale (metric or imperial). Read down to find the corresponding number of drops or ml required for treatment.

3: - Add drops of eSHa-alx to your aquarium by holding the bottle upside down and squeezing the pipette.

Day 1: 1 drop per 7 litre aquariumwater. (1 ml per 200 litre aquariumwater).

Day 7: 25% water change and siphon the gravel / bottom.

If not all parasites are gone by then:

Day 14: 1 drop per 7 litre aquariumwater. (1 ml per 200 litre aquariumwater).

Day 21: 25% water change and siphon the gravel / bottom.

Replacing some of the water during or just after treatment effectively removes some of the treatment. Compensate by adding a proportional amount of medication after a water change. During or after treatment you can use eSHa 2000 against bacterial infections.

In cases with little or no improvement a 50% water change is recommended without dechlorinators or oxidizers (see Interactions with other products), after which the treatment can be repeated.

If any unknown complication occurs IMMEDIATELEY, either transfer the fish to another aquarium or do a partial water change and/or filter over activated carbon and contact your expert retailer.