Keeps PH / KH stable. Starting dose: 4 ml / 100 liters daily ....
Immediately dosable solution.
The EZ-DSR program contains ready-made and balanced dosing solutions. They are packed in transparent bottles that can be placed directly on the dosing pump.
The benefits of EZ-DSR are:
- Convenience through transparent and directly applicable dosing bottles.
- Extra purified substances.
- No heavy metal use.
- Easy start.
- Excellent result.
- The possibility of corrections with the extensive DSR program.
You can immediately start with 4 products:
EZ-Buffer - PH / KH Stabilizer
- Keeps PH / KH stable.
- Starting dose: 4 ml / 100 liters daily.
EZ-Calcium - Calcium + Strontium
- Keeps Calcium and Strontium stable (ratio EZ: Calcium EZ buffer = 1: 5).
- Starting dose: 0.8 ml / 100 liters daily.
EZ-Carbon - PO4 / NO3 Remover
- Keeps phosphate and nitrate stable.
- Starting dose: 1 ml / 100 liters daily.
EZ-Trace - Magnesium, Sulphate, Potassium, Boron, Iodide and Manganese.
- Maintains the following essential minerals and trace elements: Magnesium, Sulphate, Potassium, Boron, Iodide and Manganese.
- Starting dose: 0.4 ml / 100 liters daily.