Immediately available carbonate hardness + pH buffer
In the marine water aquarium, the stability of the pH-value is of utmost importance.
Carbonat pro liquid is a special buffer and carbonate hardness (kH) builder for easy and quick increase of the carbonate hardness.
The kH-value reflects the pH-buffer volume of the water.
Carbonate hardness which has been consumed by precipitation and biological catabolic processes is being replaced.
Carbonat pro liquid thus protects against dangerous deviations of the pH-value.
50 ml of Carbonat pro liquid increase the carbonate hardness by 2°dKH/l per 100 liters of aquarium water.
In case of larger deviations an increase should be done over several days.
The solu-tion can be added directly to the aquarium. Carbonat pro liquid is appropriate for the balling method in combination with Calcium pro liquid and Magnesium pro liquid.
In case of increased magnesium consumption, Magnesium pro liquid can be additionally dosed as required.
A product calculator is available on our website to help you with the calculation.
Please note:
When using Carbonat pro liquid in the aquarium, the carbonate hardness of the aquarium water should be checked regularly. This is ideally at an7 - 10° kH.