DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD ACAI contains the berries of the acai palm. The fruit with the exceptionally high nutritional value was discovered in Brazil and has triggered a huge health boom for human consumption. During his Amazon expeditions, Dr. Gerald Bassleer discovered that fish love to eat acai berries when they fall from the palm tree into the water.
The fruit is very healthy and has astonishing effects because ornamental fish develop a naturally pronounced, intense colour thanks to the purely natural ingredients. In addition, feeding with DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD ACAI often ensures better breeding success.
The granulate feed in the smaller grain size M sinks slowly and feeds in all three water zones. In this way, surface eaters, as well as fish from the central zone and bottom-dwelling fish, receive both fresh and wholesome food.
For fresh and seawater.
Grit M:
0.5 - 0.8 mm, for fish up to 1 cm.